931 SE 11th Ave.

Cape Coral, FL 33990

Mon - Fri: 8:00am - 4:30pm

The Right Time and Conditions To Run Your Sprinkler

To the untrained eye this photo might look like a well operating sprinkler system watering landscaping.  Both facts are true, it is a well operating sprinkler system and it is watering landscaping.  However, there are two issues here.

The first issue is that they are watering during the day.  Watering your grass or landscaping during the sunlight hours is wasteful.  The sunlight causes evaporation.  Running your sprinkler while the sun is shining is counter productive in that a portion of the precipitation of the sprinker will evaporate before it can reach the lawn and landscaped areas it is intended for.

The next issue is that it’s windy.  It doesn’t do any good to spray or to water anything when the wind is blowing.  It will just get whisked away and will evaporate before it can be useful.

The best time of day is to run your sprinklers is between 12 am and 8 am.  Check your local watering restrictions.  Most city and county municipalities have a 4 hour window that you are allowed to water based on your address.

Never run your sprinklers when it windy.  It’s a waste of water.

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