931 SE 11th Ave.

Cape Coral, FL 33990

Mon - Fri: 8:00am - 4:30pm

Lawn Sprinkler

NEVER Turn Your Sprinkler Off!

Contrary to other advice – you should never, never, NEVER shut your irrigation system OFF. A lot of the water conservation agency in the area will tell you to turn you sprinkler off in the rainy season. A lot of seasonal residents turn their sprinkler off when they leave. In the end these actions will cause these property owners unnecessary $ in avoidable repairs. The only lubrication a sprinkling system gets is from the flow of water. It should run at least once a week just to keep all of the parts in working order. Even in rainy season you should let it run through each zone for a few minutes. Faliure to do so will cause the valves to stick and may prevent the rotor heads and spray heads from popping up. It also keeps debris from settling in the pipes.

If you are a seasonal resident and are concerned about keeping your system running while you are out of town consider one of our irrigation maintenance contracts. How can we help you today?

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