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mediterranean landscaping

Landscape Design – Mediterranean, Tuscan, Spanish or Southwestern

mediterranean landscapingThis is a wide range of design styles that vary greatly in detail but share some common landscape design elements.

Design Accents for Mediterranean, Tuscan, Spanish or Southwestern Landscape Design

The most prominent design element in these types of landscape design are clay and terracotta pieces with bright blue accents.  These pieces could be decorative walls, pots, stepping stones, full patios, water falls and fire pits.  The clay and terracotta elements brings this design style to life.

Other elements incorporated into these design styles are various types of ironwork whether it be balconies, railings, architectural decoration, lighting fixtures and furniture  Often the ironwork is a dark black to contrast the bright colors of the clay and terracotta elements that accompany the space.

You’ll also find courtyards, exquisite fountains, water falls, fire pits and breathtaking patios in the Tuscan family of outdoor landscape design.

Color Schemes in Mediterranean, Tuscan, Southwestern and Spanish Landscape Design

Above all the most popular color is (of course) terracotta with highlights of bright blue.  Other colors used in this design style are pinks, peaches, greens, reds, oranges and yellows.  There isn’t generally a lot of paler colors used, mostly bold, eye catching colors.

Landscaping Used in Tuscan, Southwestern, Spanish and Mediterranean Landscape Design

Flowing vining trees and plants like bougainvilleas, jasmine and ivy area great additions to this type of landscaping.  The larger tree species that are often used are Italian Cypress trees and Olive trees.  Citrus trees are frequently added.   Various species of cactus are a focal point as well.  There is more rock and less grassy areas in this design style.  If mowing a lawn bugs you then this or a contemporary design style would be better suited for you.

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