Can I Over-water My Lawn?
Generally, not including nature’s rain, we all tend to over water our lawn and landscaping. Knowing how much water your yard needs is an important piece of information in preventing over watering. In the summer months a typical lawn needs to be watered a minimum of once a week, possibly even up to every 3 […]
Battery Backup For Your Irrigation Timer
In Florida power surges and outages are inevitable. Half the time we don’t even know our power has been disrupted because we have not been home during the outage. Or maybe we don’t think much about it because the power was only off for a few seconds. Automatic controllers for irrigation systems are wired to […]
Automatic Timer For an Irrigation System
The main parts of an irrigation system are the automatic timer, the control valves and the sprinkler heads. An automatic timer for an irrigation or sprinkler system is not necessary but sure does make things easier. A timer tells the system when to run and for how long. A good irrigation timer will allow you […]
The Effects Of Over-Watering Your Grass / Lawn
There are some tell tales signs that you are over watering your grass. You are over watering if you notice yellowing or graying of your grass or if you notice an increase in the amount of weeds. Over watering can drown the roots of the lawn and landscaping or can cause them to become shallow […]
The Best Time To Water Your Yard Is …..
The best times of day to run your irrigation system are either late night or early morning. Your lawn and landscaping will absorb more water if you set your timer so that your sprinkler system runs while the sun is NOT out. A majority of the precipitation will evaporate before it reaches it’s intended source […]
My Sprinkler System Continues To Water
The most common cause for a continuously running sprinkler is that there are too many start times programmed into the irrigation timer. There should only be 1 start time per active program. There are programs A, B and C available. The factory default is for Program A. You do not need a start time for […]
How Often Should I Water My New Sod / Grass / Lawn?
Installing new sod is a pretty substantial financial investment in your property. To ensure it roots correctly and lasts a long time we recommend you water it twice a day for the first 3 weeks. The length of time you will water will vary by the type of irrigation system and/or irrigation heads you are […]
5 Characteristics For Evaluating Water Efficiency of a Florida Sprinkler System
1) Matched-Precipitation Rate Sprinkler Heads All sprinkler system heads on a given circuit should be the same type (e.g. rotors, pop-up spray, etc.) and have matched precipitation rate (in inches per hour). Heads with differing precipitation rates have widely varying operating times, which can lead to the over-watering of one area in order to sufficiently […]
Water According To Your Soil Type
Water According To Your Soil Type Knowing what type of soil you have will help you determine how long the sprinklers should run in that zone. Water soaks in the ground at different rates depending on the density of the soil A more dense soil will take longer for the water to penetrate or it […]
New Year’s Resolution – New Landscaping For Your Florida Property
We hope your Christmas was a Blessed one. Between company, networking and family Christmas events I think we celebrated the holidays 1/2 dozen or more times. Though we hate to admit it, we are looking forward to getting back into a normal routine. With the coming of the New Year we are wondering, what are […]