931 SE 11th Ave.

Cape Coral, FL 33990

Phone: (239) 772-2607

Fax: (239) 242-0988

Mon - Fri: 8:00am - 4:30pm

Recommended Materials For A Landscape Hedge

Landscape hedges act as barriers or borders for a property.  They serve a variety of function ranging from providing privacy, noise reduction, weather barrier, division of parts of the property and much more. Choosing The Correct Materials For A Landscape Hedge Enlist the assistance of an experienced landscape professional when choosing the right materials to […]

How And Where Should Society Garlic Be Used?

Society garlic is a blooming perennial plant with greenish-gray leaves and lilac flowers.  They are a delicate eye-appealing addition to any landscaping growing only @ 2′. We don’t recommend planting them close to your front door because they are said to have an offensive odor to them.  They are great plants for borders or landscape […]

What A Landscape Hedge Says About A Commercial Property

Have you ever sat next to a person that looks sloppy?  Their hair is a mess, their clothes are wrinkled and mismatched and they just don’t look like they care about their appearance.  I often wonder what the rest of their world looks like if they are comfortable presenting themselves in public as a mess. […]

Durable Indoor Plants

Having indoor plants has always been a desire of mine.  Not only do they look beautiful, they also improve indoor air quality.  However, my lack of “green thumb” proves to be dangerous for any plant that would dare be brought through my doors.   I eagerly volunteer to watch my friends dogs but adamantly refuse […]

Sprinkler System Valves

What Is A Sprinkler System Valve? Valves in a sprinkler system are the gatekeepers between the main water supply and the irrigation system.  They hold pressure back from the rest of the system while the sprinklers are not running and allow water to flow through the pipe and into the irrigation heads when the system […]

Maintaining Landscape Hedges

Landscape hedges are installed to create a border or barrier to part of a property.  They can provide privacy, protection and beauty if properly installed and maintained. Planting Hedges Correctly From The Beginning The first step toward having a functional and good looking landscape hedge is proper installation.  Landscape installation is not a forte of […]

The Benefits Of An Automatic Sprinkler System

R & R Sprinkler and Landscape is a professionally licensed and insured contractor installing irrigation systems.  But, what is irrigation?  Wikipedia defines irrigation as: Irrigation is the artificial application of water to the land or soil. It is used to assist in the growing of agricultural crops, maintenance of landscapes, and revegetation of disturbed soils in dry areas and during […]

How a Sprinkler System Works

A sprinkler system consists of a network of pipe, wire, valves and sprinkler heads uniquely designed for your property to provide irrigation to grass and landscaping.  Before you can consider an irrigation system you must tap into a main water source. Property Water Sources Water is delivered to properties by a larger capacity water source. […]

The Purpose Of Landscape Hedges

The purpose of landscape hedges is to create division in outdoor spaces.  The size and shape of the hedge depends on the intended use.  If someone wants to create outdoor walls then they need to aim for tall, well manicured walls of landscape materials.  However, if a person just would like to create a pathway, […]

Preparing For A Vegetable Garden In Southwest Florida In Late Summer

Late summer is a great time to think about starting a vegetable garden in Southwest Florida.  There are certain preparations you need to make before you start the planting process. Site Selection For Planting A SW Florida Vegetable Garden If you planted a garden last year, consider moving this year’s garden to a different plot […]