931 SE 11th Ave.

Cape Coral, FL 33990

Phone: (239) 772-2607

Fax: (239) 242-0988

Mon - Fri: 8:00am - 4:30pm

Grass Options for Your Florida Lawn

Florida Lawn

There are many types of grass you can use for your Florida lawn today. The type you install around your home will depend upon exactly where you live. This is because while some types of grass grow great in certain areas, they don’t do well in others. With this in mind, here’s a look at […]

Planting Fruit Trees in Florida: Read This First

When you live in the Sunshine State, you have a lot of benefits. Florida residents enjoy blue skies, abundant sunshine and plenty of fresh, delicious produce. Planting fruit trees in your yard is a great way to save money while eating more fresh produce. Instead of running to the grocery store when you run out […]

Pool Cage Landscaping Inside and Out

Pool Cage Landscaping Inside and Out

In Florida, pool cages are a necessity if you want to enjoy your pool without being bothered by the many bugs that inhabit the state. Too often, pool owners believe that they must sacrifice the lush, tropical look around their pool because they need a pool enclosure. However, there are many options for planting both […]

Tips for Choosing the Right Commercial Landscaping

You’ve worked hard to create a commercial space that impresses your current and potential customers. However, it’s important to focus on the outside of your business as well as the inside. When a customer arrives at your place of business, the exterior of your space is one of the first things they notice. You can […]

Wildflowers: The Smart Landscaping Choice in Florida

Wildflowers in Florida

Although soil and climate conditions make most of Florida ideal for planting exotic flowers, property owners should strongly consider planting native wildflowers instead. The Sunshine State is home to some of the most attractive wildflowers in North America, and they are easy to grow and maintain. Many native Florida wildflower species bloom during the spring, […]

Don’t Let Your Lawn Run Out of Water

Don't Let Your Lawn Run Out of Water

It might seem silly right now, with the amount of rain we’ve received lately, but before you know it the end of summer will be here and days will become drier. Don’t wait until then to start thinking about irrigation, if you get your plans ready now and schedule the installation, you’ll be ready before […]

Creating a Floridian Butterfly Garden

Creating a Floridian Butterfly Garden

When you plant a butterfly garden in Florida, you’ll have 12 months to enjoy their activity in your backyard. There are many different types of plants that you can include in your butterfly garden. These are plants that give sources of nectar for butterflies and food for caterpillars. By including the plants that the USDA […]

Landscaping Your New Home

Landscaping Your New Home

Have you recently purchased a new home? Or are you in the midst of building one now? In either case, you will want to landscape it nicely so that you can enjoy it this summer. With this in mind, here are some tips to help you out. Start With Trees The first thing you should […]

The Right Sprinkler System Is an Integral Part of Your Landscaping

Irrigation sprinklers do more than simply provide water to your landscaping. They also serve as a cooling system and control airborne dust in your area. In Southwest Florida, with our heavy rains in summer and very dry winters, it is especially useful to have sprinklers when you need them – and with good programming, they’ll […]

Water Features for Your Garden

Water features are a great addition to any garden. Not only are they beautiful to look at but they’re also very relaxing to listen to as well. Furthermore, water landscaping has a way of helping nature flourish. So, they really aren’t a waste of water, especially since they recycle rain water. With these things in […]