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Cape Coral, FL 33990

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Florida Lawn

Grass Options for Your Florida Lawn

There are many types of grass you can use for your Florida lawn today. The type you install around your home will depend upon exactly where you live. This is because while some types of grass grow great in certain areas, they don’t do well in others. With this in mind, here’s a look at the four most common types of grass found growing in Florida.

St. Augustine Grass

This is a type of turfgrass that’s found not only in Florida, but also in Texas. It’s a thick, lush green that’s planted in sod or runners depending on the location. Once it starts growing, only mow it to a height of 3 inches every 7 days in the spring and summer then every 14 days in the winter.

Bahia Grass

Bahia grass actually comes from Brazil but since 1914, it’s been used in the United States. Typically it’s used in southern states where the soil is sandy, and since it’s very tolerant of drought, it works well in Southwest Florida winters. Just make sure it doesn’t have any salt water, too much shade, or excessive foot traffic. You can plant this either as sod or from seed then mow it to a height of 4 inches when dry.

Zoysia Grass

With Zoysia grass, you have a turf lawn, which has good shade tolerance. This grass is best planted from seed, which will take longer to establish (up to two growing seasons). One thing that’s important to remember is this lawn does need professional care, especially since you must use a rotary mower to keep it at a height of three inches and it does need frequent fertilization as well. Unfortunately, this grass doesn’t do well with drought because it has a shallow root system.

Centipede Grass

Commonly found growing around the homes in Florida’s panhandle, Centipede grass is well adapted to the area’s climate and soil. Many people really appreciate the fact that this grass doesn’t need much maintenance unless you over-fertilize it with nitrogen. However, since this grass is lighter colored than other types of grass, it’s common to see it turning yellow in the early spring. You can establish this grass via seed, sod, or plug. It will then need a full growing season to become established, but then you only need to cut it every 7 – 14 days as it should maintain a height of 2.5 inches.

These are some of the most common types of grass found growing in Florida today. Each of them has their own characteristics and abilities to adapt. It’s important to take these things into account when you’re choosing which type of grass to plant around your home in Florida. Contact our specialist at R & R Sprinkler & Landscape for the best advice and you won’t go wrong.
R & R Sprinkler & Landscape
931 SE 11th Avenue
Cape Coral, FL 33990
(239) 772-2607

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