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Cape Coral, FL 33990

Mon - Fri: 8:00am - 4:30pm

bourbon roses

Florida Friendly Roses – Bourbon Roses

bourbon rosesMany South Florida homeowners want to have roses incorporated into their landscaping.  The trick to rose plants thriving is to pick species that are well adapted and tolerable of our tropical climate.  Bourbon roses are just such a species.

History of Bourbon Roses

Bourbon roses were discovered in Le Bourbon off the coast of Madagascar.  They range in variety from low and bushy to the climbing varieties. They are known to vigorously repeat their blooms which range from small to very large. They have one of the strongest perfumed scents of any of the rose families. They are said to look lovely growing over an archway.

Climates Bourbon Roses Tolerate

Bourbon rose do tolerate colder climates but prefer the heat and humidity offered by a more tropical atmosphere.  This makes them an ideal flowering plant to have in South Florida.

Color of Bourbon Roses

Bourbon roses are white, many shades of pink, violet, red and there is even a red and white striped variety.

Overall Bourbon roses are one of the species of roses that R & R Sprinkler and Landscape recommends to thrive in a South Florida landscape.


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