931 SE 11th Ave.

Cape Coral, FL 33990

Mon - Fri: 8:00am - 4:30pm

globe grass

Cape Coral Watering Restrictions

globe grassDespite the rains we have had for the last several nights, Cape Coral has an early start to the dry season.  There was NO, NONE, ZERO recorded rainfall for the month of November.  It’s usual that we have had precipitation in December.

There is a year round mandatory watering restriction on place for the City of Cape Coral.  We’d like to take this opportunity to remind you of when and how long you can water your lawn in Cape Coral:

Non-residential, duplexes and other multi family properties can water on Monday and Fridays from midnight to 8 am.

Addresses ending in 0:  water from midnight to 4 am on Mon. & Fri.

Addresses ending in 1:  water from 4 am – 8 am on Mon. & Fri.

Addresses ending in 3 & 5:  water from midnight to 4 am on Wed. & Sat.

Addresses ending in 7 & 9:  water from 4 am – 8 am on Wed. & Sat.

Addresses ending in 2 & 4:  water from midnight – 4 am on Thu & Sun.

Addresses ending in 6 & 8:  water from 4 am – 8 am on Thu & Sun.

The City of Cape  has a limited supply of irrigation water.  If we are responsible citizens and conserve now, we will help our community in long run.

Tighter watering restrictions are inevitable.  Take this opportunity to train your lawn to use less water at a gradual rate in preparation for a one day a week water schedule sure to be in effect in early 2013.

If you need us to help you set your timer for the right days and times to water feel free to contact our office at 239.772.2607.

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