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Cape Coral, FL 33990

Mon - Fri: 8:00am - 4:30pm

Can Easter Lilies Be Transplanted From Container To Ground?

Easter-lilyYou probably have several Easter Lilies in pots around your house or along  your front sidewalk that you used as a Spring decoration.  You’ve enjoyed them for the Easter season but now you are ready to get your house back in order.  You are torn between tossing the Easter Lily in the garbage because its such a beautiful plant but you desperately want it off your dining room table.

Consider transplanting it into one of your landscape beds.  You’ll need to wait until they are done flowering. Transplant to a depth similar to that of the container that was holding it indoors.  Make sure your soil drains well and is mixed with plant food.  Water the plant in.  After you have transplanted it add 2-3″ of mulch around the base.  This will help keep it moist. Don’t over water it, the soil just needs to feel damp.

Easter Lilies like the flowering part to have sunlight but the bulb to have shade.  This is another great reason to add the mulch other than keeping it moist.  The first Florida summer will appear to be hard on the plant.  It will turn brown and appear lifeless.  However, next summer it will bloom.

Easter Lilies naturally bloom in the summer months.  They bloom early as potted plants only because the bulbs are harvested and sent to greenhouses where they are forced to grow under controlled environmental circumstances so they are ready for The Easter Season.
As with any plant transplant, you run the risk of the plant not surviving.  However, if you take the steps outlined above you are likely to be successful.

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