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Cape Coral, FL 33990

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8 Tips For Sustainable Landscaping In Florida

8 Tips For Sustainable Landscaping In Florida

Landscaping is challenging in Florida. The hot temperatures and alternating very wet then very dry climate give homeowners a lot of trouble.

In fact, high temperatures are in excess of 80 degrees for more than half of the year. Additionally, the state gets less than 6 inches of precipitation for 9 months out of the year.

One popular way to overcome these factors is sustainable landscaping. This is an effort by landowners to landscape strategically to mitigate negative environmental impacts.

Read on for a guide to Florida landscaping. Here you will learn 8 tips for establishing sustainable landscaping in Florida.

1) The Key to Sustainable Landscaping Is Weather-Resistant Plants and Grass

Certain plants and grass hold up better against the elements than others. Specifically, you want to invest in plants and grass that are drought-resistance.

In Florida, you must also worry heavy downpours in summer that can result in localized flooding. Some drought-resistant plants are also happy to be soaked, but others are too delicate for the heavy drops of rain and having their roots in standing water.

Another consideration is purchasing wind-resistant plants that will hopefully stand up better to the occasional tropical storm or hurricane.

2) Local Plants Epitomize Sustainability

Mother Nature has a plan for all green things. Each plant and grass type are indigenous to a specific area and climate.

It is more difficult for foreign shrubs and flowers to thrive outside the normal habitat. Instead, use local plants as they are easier to maintain and certainly more sustainable.

3) Consider the Local Environment

Believe it or not, the state of Florida has diverse climates. The climate is a lot different in Miami than Orlando.

Depending on where you live in Florida, the soil conditions and rainfall are likely different. The selection and care of your plans depend on these factors.

4) Rely on Composting Instead of Store-Bought Soil

Composting is a terrific way to establish rich soil. In addition, composting has a positive effect on the environment at large.

Some people falsely assume that composting is difficult. However, it could be as simple as recycling your grass clippings or dead leaves.

5) Mulch Around Trees, Plants, and Flowers

Not only does mulch look great, but it serves an environmental purpose. It retains moisture and prevents water run-off.

In addition, mulch also minimizes the growth of weeds. The best part is that mulch can be added to any lawn and garden for a marginal cost.

6) Emphasize Your Water Use

There are several steps to minimize your water use. Earlier, we alluded to selecting drought-resistant plants. Clearly, plants that require less water lead to a more sustainable garden.

Another step is to build retaining walls where necessary. Without retaining walls or curbs, water simply runs off the property and makes your landscaping less efficient.

7) Spring For an Irrigation System

Many Americans use manual sprinklers connected to the hose. This method is inefficient and time-consuming. Users typically forget the sprinklers are on, wasting precious water resources.

Instead, the solution is to purchase an automatic sprinkler system operated by a control panel. Not only will you save money on the water bill, but it will help achieve your sustainable lawn.

Besides, lawn watering is not allowed after 8am or before 12pm in Cape Coral (with similar hours in surrounding cites), thus making an automatic system literally indispensable.

8) Deploy Other Water Conservation Methods

Conserving water is the epitome of sustainability. If you have the financial resources, invest in a rainwater irrigation system.

If not, there are other ways you can conserve water. Place decorative pots underneath water run-offs and collect as much water as you can. Now turn off the hose and use your collection to water the flowers.

Wrapping It Up

It is easier than you think to achieve a sustainable lawn and garden. Tips such as water conservation and plant selection will help you achieve your goal. In addition, these methods typically pay off in the long run by reducing cost and labor hours.

For more information on sustainable landscaping, please contact us for assistance.

R & R Sprinkler & Landscape
931 SE 11th Avenue
Cape Coral, FL 33990
(239) 772-2607

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