931 SE 11th Ave.

Cape Coral, FL 33990

Mon - Fri: 8:00am - 4:30pm

Green Thumb - eco-sensitive

5 Tips to add More Green to Your Thumb – And Your Lawn!

Every gardener loves to earn the reputation of having a green thumb. However, there are eco-sensitive steps you can take that will make sure you are a green gardener, regardless of how gifted you are at getting the most from your plants.

Five Tips:

It only takes a little extra effort to ensure you are making your garden as environmentally friendly as possible. Here are five things you can do to make your special space as attractive to Mother Nature as it is to you and your family:

1. Select your plants with your locale in mind. Although we are known as the sunshine state, residents realize that different areas of Florida have variations in the amount of rainfall and average temperatures. You can choose plants accordingly and achieve a sustainable lawn and garden with less ongoing effort and maintenance.

2. Repurpose your lawn clippings, leaves, and plant trimmings. These items offer a good alternative to some fertilizers, and a little composting will create excellent potting soil.

3. Recycle household items as gardening material. Old cardboard and newspapers serve as good weed mats, and adding a little Styrofoam to the bottom of a pot will aid in proper drainage. You can challenge family members to come up with creative ideas, such as using egg cartons to start your seedlings.

4. Minimize your use of chemicals, fertilizers and pesticides. Runoff from gardens is one of the biggest pollutants to Florida waters, and you can find many natural ways to control some of your worst bugs. However, understand that many insects are actually beneficial to your lawn and garden, and you often eliminate them when you overspray or treat with too many chemicals.

5. Think out of the box when it comes to your home landscaping. In today’s environment you’ll find a lot of options that differ from the traditional “perfect landscape.” Your local landscaping specialist can help you select different concepts, designs, and plants that will make you home stand out as both beautiful and environmentally sensitive. R & R Sprinkler & Landscape can help you out with landscaping services to suit your needs.

Get into the frame-of-mind that you can have a green thumb and make a statement with your lawn and garden – you’ll have a whole new appreciation for your living space. Plus, you may well serve as an inspiration to others to make their spaces more sustainable.

Contact us:

R & R Sprinkler & Landscape
931 SE 11th Avenue
Cape Coral, FL 33990
(239) 772-2607

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